Our list for 2015

A list with reasons why we don't do lists

Dear all,

The end of one year, the beginning of another year. It is the moment that people want to know what is a coming. Newspapers, magazines, blogs, youtube channels present lists for 2015. Some people asked us to do the same, so we also made a list. A list with reasons why we don't do lists :-)

1. First of all, change doesn’t happen over night, and is not related to the turn of the year. Announcing new evolutions together with the new years resolutions would insinuate a wrong beginning and duration of trends. 

2. Consumer trends are not tangible. It are thoughts, ideas, changes in attitudes and behaviour. They are less seizable than market trends and more difficult to describe. Although simplification is part of our job, we prefer to describe our trends in more than a few lines.

3. Lists suggest an equality in importance between the listed points. The appearance of consumer trends differs according to the context. While one trend will be noticeable in one industry in 2015, it will take another two years before it will be relevant for another industry. A tailor made interpretation of the trends is needed instead of a general list for all of you. 

4. Besides equality, lists pretend to be exhaustive. Putting all what happens in youth culture in one list, would be disrespectful towards our beloved study subject.

5. Companies need their own lists as guidelines for their strategy and innovation, to be ahead of their competitors. We would like to challenge you all to define your own trends for 2015.

Don’t get us wrong. From time to time we sum up our research findings. In our trend report we tell you which new evolutions we see coming up, and we add them to the trends we have previously mapped. On our slideshare you can find our new trends and some screenshots of our report. Don’t worry, they are not starting from the first of January. You can take your time to recover from the New Years festivities. 
So we wish you

1. A happy listing

2. A merry Christmas

3. An exciting and innovative 2015


The Trendwolves team